Saturday, February 26, 2011

We are the Constitution!

There comes a time when enough is definitely, enough.

It seems that some (certain Indiana Assemblymen) assume that they are untouchable. In retort to their actions or inaction, I am going to set upon the re-education of these so-called representatives. The use of their own rules and regualtions will be used to allow for such.

The Indiana Constitution lays out a distinct, yet simple  rule of law in all facets of We the people, and to that of the elected representatives of such. Let me open with The Preamble: "TO THE END, that justice be established, public order maintained, and liberty perpetuated; WE, the People of the State of Indiana, greatful to ALMIGHTY GOD for the free exercise of the right to choose our own form of government, do ordain this Constitution."

This preamble shows a clear hierarchy of its founding authority. We, the People, are that standing authority. Thus, the absent Assemblymen have NO allowance to move for governance away from direct supervision of this electorate. By leaving the State, they have aligned for a vacancy in OUR seat of government.

Now, if we read further into the document it clearly brings about a concise measure of understanding. Article 1. Is a lead-in as "THE" Bill of Rights. Section 1. "WE DECLARE...the people have, at all times, an indefeasible right to alter and reform their government." Again the People are declared the absolute authority. Section 21 alludes to a person's property, and being Citizen of this State thus sets a premise of the Assemblymen being in violation of such by virtue of not performing their duties as representaive of the electorate. In short, they have taken (stalled) the right of "Citizenry" in their right to have direct and exact contact with representatives of the law of Indiana.

The absence of such Assemblymen has led to the presumption of privilege and immunity thus mentioned in Section 23. This assumption can be rendered and deemed feasible by the act to that unreciprocated to that of the Citizenry.

The basic operation of law has been hindered, thus allowing for a "de facto" House Chamber. A direct inhibition of the duties of the General Assembly, as a whole. Section 26 clearly shows that the deserting representatives have rendered a "de jure" caucus in lieu of a chamber assembly.

Any law, or mockery thereof, inhibiting the people from instructing their representative is clearly voided and dis-allowed by virtue of Section 31. The renegade caucus, in state, or otherwise is an obstruction to OUR right to redress or instruct OUR representatives.

Article 4. Section 9. The sessions of the General Assembly shall be held at the capitol of the State, commencing on the Tuesday next after the second Monday in January of each year in which the General Assembly meets unless a different day or place shall have been appointed by law. But if, in the opinion of the Governor, the public welfare shall require it, he may, at any time by proclamation, call a special session. The length and frequency of the sessions of the General Assembly shall be fixed by law. [No session of Assembly shall be met anywhere but that of the Capitol, unless otherwise stated in law. These fleeing representatives are in open violation of their own duties and responsibilities.

They have succeeded in a block of the Quorum call. Thus inhibiting the House Chamber from a continuance of business. Such inhibition summarily shuts down the legislative body as a whole. All regulations of such are noted in Article 4. Section 11. Let it be known that in refusing to perform their assigned duties as assigned by the Constitution, that pay should be relinquished.

The failure of the Governor to act in regards to this manner shall be brought forth. Article 5. Section 16. The Governor shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed. [Clearly this is authority to authorize the apprehension of such violators. It is the Governor's to act upon any summary inhibition of government body.]

In closing, I have to say that I find the inaction of any governing body to be summarily ill-fitted for OUR citizenry. The Indiana Constitution, as well as the United States Constitution allows for the defense of such citizenry and the upholding of the laws of such. Accountability and Responsibility goes for the governing body as well as for that of We the People. That is why it is so important to keep in mind that we are said to be a three-branch government yet, we should understand the reality that we are definitely that of four branches: Executive, Legislative, Judicial, and Citizen (not necessarily in that order).

"One without the other is nonexistent"--D Dillard


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